24Fashion TV Exclusive: Anna Gupta presented her Couture Collection along with jewelry designer Lady Daze, designer Aristokrown and Binno Jewels. In her evening wear collection, the model-turned-designer Anna Gupta showed off red carpet worthy one-of-a-kind and high fashion pieces. The designer’s line was characterized by ethereal, whisper light capes and sleeves.
About: Anna Gupta is a high-end luxury brand for women. Founded by Designer & Stylist and Model Anna Gupta. Based in Los Angeles and originally from Russia. She showed from an early age the passion for creating and arts. Anna attended the Fashion Design School in Los Angeles. Meanwhile she did presentations and presented her collections , In December 2019 she won four Awards with her garments at the Graduation Fashion Show “Gold Thimble” and in 2020 she created her brand Anna Gupta. Her mission is to provide high fashion pieces that are unique one of a kind designs. Designer: Anna Gupta
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Photo by Jeff McDonald exclusively for 24Fashion TV
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